Invoice Management System with SMS Integration
Being able to email an estimate or invoice should be a basic feature that every invoice management system offers. Moreover, email tracking and notifications should also be included so that companies know when an estimate or invoice was sent, the last time it was viewed and when the estimate was accepted or the invoice paid. Invoice management systems such as InfoFlo Pay, already offer these features and all other systems that don’t offer this should include it as a basic feature.
The only issue remaining is that even though email has become the staple for business communication, no invoice management systems can guarantee that these emails will not show up in SPAM. For this reason, SMS should be added as another form of communication so that estimates and invoices can be sent through SMS.
So how can this be done? Systems such as InfoFlo Pay have integrated with Twillio, the same system used by Uber to send SMS messages to customers and drivers. In InfoFlo Pay, this integration works just like emails. When sending a new estimate or invoice, users can decide to both email and SMS. Similar to emails, InfoFlo Pay includes a log showing when the SMS was sent. With this type of seamless integration, users of invoice management software solutions, can now be guaranteed that their estimates and invoices reach their customers. Also, unlike other solutions, InfoFlo Pay also includes digital forms and allows for digital forms to be sent by email and SMS.
- Globally, 33 percent more people have access to mobile phones than to toilets! In 2013 that was 6 billion with access to mobile phones (and thus to SMS).
- While the dramatic rise of new communication apps has overtaken SMS, an average of 20 billion text messages are being sent daily this year, translating to 7.3 trillion annually! That’s more than 5.5 million per second!
- Email open rates are great at 20-30 percent. But according to a Dynmark report, SMS blows that away at 98 percent open rate! In fact, 90 percent are read within 3 seconds. Just think how long it takes between your phone chiming for an incoming text and your hand moving to it.
So essentially, SMS will increase the chance of estimates being accepted and invoices getting paid!
So hopefully this article has served its purpose in describing the importance of SMS integration in an invoice management software. If your current solution doesn’t include this feature then you could be losing customers, decreasing customer satisfaction and not getting estimates converted and invoice paid. Why would you want this for your business? For this reason you should use a system, such as InfoFlo Pay, which includes SMS integration.

Andy Cros
Explicit post. Amazing….it thus help in describing the importance of SMS integration in an invoice management.
Thanks for sharing
David Mureithi
Sms are not that widely used but are very essential and take less time to read. It is one of the best way to communicate faster.
Janine Bocateja
With the help of SMS you can advertise something, communicate and you can catch the attention of some one theough SMS than email. Here in the Philippines, SMS is very essential to our daily lives since not all have emails.
Wilson Jake
SMS added as another form of communication so that estimates and invoices can be sent through SMS is really great. I hardly check my spam email which atimes genuine mails enter. Great one guys
This is really wonderful, SMS is more accessed than the email. Handy and easily responded to. Nice innovation guys.
Meldred Judith
This will help us with our work easily. This is really a good idea.
I think some wouldn’t benefit from these because not all country uses SMS frequently. Nonetheless, it’s a bright idea to further discuss.
This is a bright idea. especially if you need to work on something you just need to send an SMS. This is a good read.
SMS integration to this will be an added advantage to ease the service. Thanks for this new integration.
The fact the InfloPay has integrated to Twilio is very convenient, as you said, many people has mobile phones and SMS are very practical.